Alchemestes No.9 | Fruity Spirit, Dorodouli Distillery
  • Alchemestes No.9 | Fruity Spirit, Dorodouli Distillery

No.9 Fruity Spirit Αlchemestes, Dorodouli Distillery

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Alchemestes No. 9 | Fruity Spirit | Unique recipe, excellent distillate from grapes and fruits.

Klar, farblos. In der Nase Zitrusfrüchte, Mandarine, Lotus, Pfirsich und Wacholder. An Gaumen entfalten sich Aromen von Orange, Lakritz, Ananas, Mandel und Zimt. Der Abgang ist fruchtig und komplex.

48,90 CHF
inkl. MwSt. 2-4 Werktage

Alchemestes No.9 | Fruity Spirit

Alchemestes mission No 9 spirit distilled. The mission of No. 9 in alchemestes collection is to accompany moments of aristocrats. Also, the distillate No9, which took its name from the precious pleonastos stone, have a very youthful character. Therefore, it’ s characterized as romantic and stylish, distillate spirit.

After all, the precious jewel Pleonastos select and placed in the British crown and renowned for therapeutic skills.

The presence of distillate No. 9 with an aroma that effuse mystery and complexity extend and enforce wealth. In addition, the strong fruity character adds a playful view into a classical elegance. Furthermore, it balances through a breath of freshness and a touch of style.

A plenty flavor dance between sensual and sweet rhythm. Moreover, the eternal breath of youth and vitality, it’s thoroughly protected under the veil of romance.

Prefer it as an aperitif in celebrations! Or upgrade the joy of your excellent meal by offering a unique desert to you and your friends!

Made naturally!
No sugar, no additives!


Technische Daten

Alchemestes No.9 | Fruity Spirit
Dorodouli Distillery
12 Monate in Inox-Tanks
40 % Alc. Vol.
500 ml
klar und farblos


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